I have been working with Club Alpbach Medica for over 2 and a half years now as a mentee and recently i have been elected to take the lead of the international cooperation agenda of the club. This is an amazing opportunity both for me and the Club to grow in many fields.
Club Alpbach Medica is a group of personalities made up of internationals from southeast and central Europe, which makes it an interesting blend of culture, religion, habbits, traditions, profesions. This shows that networking is a well integrated part of the club. It is not something easily sustainable but that is what makes it challenging and it is one of the reasons i took the opportunity of becoming a part of the Board. Another point that intrigued and made me continue working with the club is the fact that i am from Macedonia. There is a great difference between how all the things in Southeast and Central Europe function, and how they function in central Europe. Starting from health care and social sector, to economy, to traditions and culture. Macedonia and most of the balkan countries are countries in transition, and being the optimist that I am, I believe and hope that it is possible to learn a lot from Austria and other more developed countries in Central Europe, and make some improvements back home. Having the backgroung I have and being from Macedonia, I believe I can bring some qualities to the club. I am the first international to join the Board, which shows that diversity, as a very important pillar of the club, has spread to it's core. This prooves that the club has grown and matured and we have grown and matured with it.
It is a big challange, but a challange I am willing to take and show that we can all work together and learn from eachother. I am proud to be a part of this diverse family.